April Discussion Post for One for All
It’s time to discuss our April read: ONE FOR ALL by Lillie Lainoff. Our discussion via group chat is taking place now. Let me know in the comments or DM me on Instagram if you’d like to join! This book was one of my all time favorites and I’m so excited to discuss it with our community!
Reminder: this book fulfills the following prompts for the #ChronicallyIconicReadingChallenge: “mystery/thriller”, “invisible disability”, & “set or written before the 21st century”.
Discussion Questions:
What was your reaction to this book? How many stars did you rate it?
What was your favorite part of the book?
What was your least favorite part?
Were there any twists or plot developments that surprised you?
Who was your fave character?
Fencing is a huge part of this book. Did you learn anything and/or did you find it entertaining?
What did you think of Tania’s relationship with her mother?
Throughout the book Tania is torn between loyalty to the king, loyalty to her friends, and loyalty to her father. What did you think of her decisions and decision to pick a side?
What did you think of the resolution of the mystery? Were you satisfied with the ending?
Is there anything you wish was different about the book?
Bonus Questions:
If there’s a sequel, what would you hope would happen?
If there was a movie adaption, who would you cast as the main characters?
Author Q&A
Watch now!
We were fortunate to host Lillie Lainoff in an Instagram Live where she answered all our burning questions about ONE FOR ALL. Will there be a sequel? How did she start writing? Will she write anymore classic retellings? What does she hope everyone takes away from the book?
Find the answers to these questions and even more wonderful musings about chronic illness, writing, and ONE FOR ALL on @libraryofdreaming’s Instagram account here.