September Discussion Post for Queens of Geek

[ID: A bright pink book with an illustration of pink hair on the cover sitting on a spread of open books. A row of watercolor paints sits above the book with book confetti and yellow fake flowers spread across the book. A dragon sticker and a toy TARDIS peeks out from the flowers. Scrabble tiles spelling out “book club” and framed by pink butterfly stickers sits to the left of the book. A single yellow butterfly sits on top of the book on the right side.]

(Note: this was originally posted in September on Instagram)


It’s time to discuss the #ChronicallyIconicBookClub’s latest read QUEENS OF GEEK by Jen Wilde. ⁣

QUEENS OF GEEK was definitely an interesting read that has sparked some thought-provoking discussion.

Here’s a very quick summary of some of our thoughts and issues with the book:

  • We loved the anxiety and autism rep but wondered why it took over halfway through the book for the author to actually state that Taylor had autism.

  • The other representation in the book felt disappointingly shallow to most of us. Charlie’s identity as an Asian-Australian woman is barely explored and we hardly ever see how it effects her or the narrative. The other forms of diversity in the book felt like window dressing rather than authentic, thoughtful representation.

  • The comic con setting was fun but so much happened in just a few days (including an entire romance). We wanted more time with the characters to see their full development.

We found this review by an Asian American reviewer very interesting & expressed many of the members’ issues with the representation.

Please join in the conversation in the comments!

Discussion Questions:

  1. What did you think of this book? How many stars did you rate it?

  2. What was your favorite part of the book?

  3. What was your least favorite part?

  4. Who was your favorite character?

  5. What did you think about Taylor and Jamie’s romance?

  6. What did you think about Charlie and Alyssa’s romance?

  7. Did you like the dual perspective or was there one POV you preferred more?

  8. What did you think of the convention setting?

  9. What did you think of the autism and anxiety representation?

  10. Was there anything you wish was different/anything about the book you would like to change?


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