October Discussion Post for Mooncakes by Suzanne Walker and Wendy Xu

[ID: A white hand in a red coat holding a yellow book with an illustration of two figures on it, one in a pointed witch hat holding a plate of mooncakes and the other with blue hair and a red sweatshirt with a bowl of batter. The font spelling out “Mooncakes” in red has an illustration of two mooncakes as the Os in the title. The book is in front of a mountain view framed by golden-yellow aspens. The mountains behind are blue with scattered evergreens.]

⁣It’s time to discuss the #ChronicallyIconicBookClub’s October read, the graphic novel MOONCAKES by Wendy Xu and Suzanne Walker!⁣

Our discussion via Instagram group chat will take place starting tomorrow Nov 4th at about 1pm EST and continue through the weekend at the convenience of our members. Let me know in the comments or on Instagram if you’d like to join our live discussion! ⁣

There’s still time for you to catch up and read MOONCAKES for free through a trial of ComixologyUnlimited. Check it out here (this is not an affiliate link). It’s also free on Kindle Unlimited!⁣

Here are 10 official discussion questions that you can answer in the comments of this post at your leisure or in our group chat tomorrow.

Discussion Questions

  1. What did you think of this book? (How many stars did you rate it?)

  2. What did you think of the graphic novel format/art style/etc?

  3. What was your favorite part of the book?

  4. What was your least favorite part?

  5. Who was your favorite character?

  6. What did you think of the disability representation?

  7. What did you think of Nova’s relationships with the other characters throughout the book?

  8. What did you think about the magic system and fantasy elements of the book?

  9. Was there anything you would change about the book?

  10. What did you think of the ending?

Don’t forget our November read is GET A LIFE, CHLOE BROWN! by Talia Hibbert, an adult romance featuring fibromyalgia rep! We’ll be discussing it the weekend of Dec 2nd - 3rd and then taking the rest of 2023 off the rest and relax.

Let me know if you have any suggestions for us to read in the new year!


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