October’s Book Pick: Sick Kids in Love by Hannah Moskowitz

[ID: A light blue book with clouds on the cover & “Sick Kids in Love” written in white, capital letters with two figures hugging replacing the “I”. One is a blonde white girl in pink & the other is a white boy with dark hair in black.]

Genre: YA Contemporary

Representation: Arthritis (own voice) & Gaucher’s Disease.

Sick Kids in Love is a story about love - as well as chronic illness. AND NOBODY DIES.

Isabel has rheumatoid arthritis which means she’s constantly in pain. She tries to fit in with her friends and ignore her situation to satisfy her father who doesn’t get her illness. Then she meets a boy who is also chronically ill.

Sasha’s got a chronic illness Isabel’s never heard of, something she can’t even pronounce: Gaucher’s Disease. He understands what it means to be sick. He understands her more than her healthy friends. He understands her more than her own father who’s a doctor.

But Isabel, a columnist at her high school, has one rule: no dating.

It’s complicated.

It’s dangerous.

It’s never felt better to consider breaking that rule for him.

Can two sick kids find love and acceptance with each other?

Instagram signup post

Schedule: final discussion to take place the last weekend in October.

Comment below or message @libraryofdreaming on IG to join!


October Discussion Post: Sick Kids in Love


[Meet the Team]: Lacey the Service Dog