June Discussion Post for Seven Days in June

A book with a Black couple hugging on the cover sitting on a bed of green ivy.

[ID: A book cover in shades of pink, red, and blue depicting a Black man and a Black woman hugging with white text spelling out "New York Times Bestseller Seven Days in June". A round circle with a yellow center says “Reese’s Book Club” and below in teal font it says “Tia Williams”. The book is laying on a spread of dark green ivy.]

Hello, bookish friends! It’s time to discuss the #ChronicallyIconicBookClub’s June read SEVEN DAYS IN JUNE by Tia Williams. ⁣

@libraryofdreaming mini review: This was a really interesting read and I enjoyed our live group chat discussion. Some members (including myself) struggled with the dark content of the book but overall we agreed it was sensitively handled.⁣

I thought the migraine representation was very vivid and well-done. It really was the perfect read for #MigraineAwarenessMonth! Overall, this was an intense read that I couldn’t put down…⁣

Discussion Questions:

  1. How many stars did you rate this book? What did you think of it?

  2. What did you think of the portrayal of Eva’s chronic migraines?

  3. What was your favorite part? How about your least favorite part?

  4. Who was your favorite character? How about your least favorite?

  5. What did you think of Eva and Shane’s romance?

  6. Shane and Eva both go through a lot throughout the novel. What did you think of their character growth?

  7. Seven Days in June covers a lot of dark, sensitive subjects including trauma and addiction. Did you think it was handled well or was there something you would’ve done differently?

  8. What did you think of Eva’s decision to withhold the truth about her past to Audre? (Do you think she’ll ever tell her the truth?)

  9. What did you think about Audre and Eva’s relationship?

  10. What did you think of the ending?

Thanks for joining in and happy reading!


July Book Event + Giveaway


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