May/June Discussion Post for Being Heumann

[ID: A book cover with an image of Judy Heumann, a white woman with short hair and glasses sitting in a wheelchair. The book sits on a gray wooden floor with round fake yellow flowers on top that match the font on the book next to an old fashioned black metal typewriter. A black arrow and a black pen are arranged above it.]

It’s time to discuss the #ChronicallyIconicBookClub’s May & June read, BEING HEUMANN by Judith Heumann and Kristen Joiner.

Our discussion via Instagram group chat will take place starting this Saturday June 24th around 1 or 2pm EST and continue through the weekend at our members’ leisure. You’re welcome to chime in whenever, it’s a really laid back experience!

Let me know in the comments or message me on Instagram if you’d like to join!

@libraryofdreaming’s thoughts: Judy had such an amazing life that’s hard to fit into just one memoir. I really enjoyed learning more about American disability history through her eyes and I hope you did too! I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the book, especially whether or not the events recounted in it were new and/or surprising to you.

P.S. Don’t forget in July we’re reading Torie Jean’s FINDING GENE KELLY, an adult romance featuring endometriosis! Health and life willing, I’m hoping to put together some fun events for this read along…

Discussion Questions

  1. What did you think of this book? How many stars did you rate it?

  2. Judy covers a lot of time and many events in this book. What was your favorite part or section of the book?

  3. What was your least favorite part?

  4. What did you think about the section on Judy’s childhood and young adulthood?

  5. What did you think about Judy’s radicalization and her early years in the disability rights movement?

  6. What did you think of Judy’s career in politics and her entrance into the “establishment”?

  7. Were there any insights or quotes that stuck out to you?

  8. Did you know about Judy, Section 504, or the disability rights movement before you read this book?

  9. Was there anything that surprised you about this book?

  10. Was there anything you felt like was missing from this memoir that you wish Judy had included?

    Bonus question: Have you ever watched the documentary Crip Camp? What do you think of the summer camps Judy attended? For my fellow disabled folks, are they appealing to you?


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