November’s Book Pick: Haben by Haben Girma

[ID: A red book with a Black woman wearing a blue dress on the cover placed in front of two bookcases. A vase of red roses, flowers shaped like raspberries, and a blue teacup filled with chai sits next to the book.]

Happy Nonfiction November!

In honor of this month, the Chronically Iconic Book Club has selected Haben: The Deafblind Woman Who Conquered Harvard Law by Haben Girma as our November read.⁣


The first Deafblind person to graduate from Harvard Law School, Haben Girma is a human rights lawyer advancing disability justice. Haben was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, where she currently lives. This book was a A New York Times “New & Noteworthy” Pick, an Oprah Magazine “Book of the Month” favorite, and a Publishers Weekly Bestseller. ⁣

Her memoir takes readers on adventures around the world, including her parents’ homes in Eritrea and Ethiopia, building a school under the scorching Saharan sun, training with a guide dog in New Jersey, climbing an iceberg in Alaska, fighting for blind readers at a courthouse in Vermont, and talking with President Obama at The White House. ⁣

Warm, funny, thoughtful, and uplifting, this captivating book is a testament to Haben’s determination to resist isolation and find the keys to connection.⁣

Book Club Info:⁣

We will be discussing Haben at the end of this month via group chat on Instagram. I will also make a discussion post with questions you can answer at your leisure. Send me a DM or comment below if you’d like to join! ⁣


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