Discussion Post for The Undetectables by Courtney Smyth

[ID: A book sitting on a white bookshelf in front of loose book pages and a small brown filing cabinet. One of the shelves is partially open with book confetti spilling out. Fake purple roses sit on top of the mini cabinet and a brown wooden handled magnifying glass leans agains the shelf on the right side. The book’s cover depicts four silohettes, including one plus sized person in a dress and a shadowy figure with cat ears. The figures are in front of a purple pentagram and the edges of the book are also purple. Stylized newspaper surrounds the figures with purple beetles crawling around. In front of the book, there are scrabble tiles spelling out “book club”.]

Hi, bookish friends! It’s time to discuss the #ChronicallyIconicBookClub’s February read THE UNDETECTABLES by Courtney Smyth which features fibromyalgia representation based on personal experience!

Our discussion via Instagram group chat will begin tomorrow March 9th at around 1pm EST and continue through Monday at our own pace. Let me know in the comments or message me on Instagram if you’d like to join! Everyone is welcome!

I will also post 10 official discussion questions that you can answer in the comments at your leisure if you’d prefer.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What did you think of this book? (How many stars did you rate it?)

  2. What did you think of the disability representation?

  3. Did you guess “whodunnit”? What did you think of the mystery?

  4. What did you think of Mallory’s relationships with the other characters?

  5. What did you think about Mallory’s beetle incident?

  6. What was your favorite part of the book?

  7. What was your least favorite part?

  8. Who was your favorite character?

  9. Was there anything you would change about the book?

  10. What did you think of the ending? Would you read the sequel?

Reminder: Our March read is HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS AND UNFAIRLY CUTE by Talia Hibbert, a YA contemporary romance featuring OCD representation based on personal experience.

Please let me know if you’d like to join us for that read and feel free to shout out suggestions for our future book picks in the comments…


Discussion Post for Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute by Talia Hibbert


Book Review: Conditions of a Heart by Bethany Mangle