Book Review: The Match by Sarah Adams

A yellow book with an illustration of a blonde woman in a pink dress with a golden service dog.

[ID: A yellow book with an illustration of a blonde woman in a pink dress with a golden service dog. A little girl holding the hand of a blonde man is reaching towards the dog. The book is sitting on a gray wooden floor with a crumpled lace drape at the bottom. Purple daises surround the left side with a blue ribbon and a black dog paw extends to the right side of the book.]

This book is for all the four-legged superheroes of the world, saving lives, giving love and independence to those who need it!”
— Sarah Adams, The Match

I’ve been dying to read THE MATCH from the moment I heard it was romance between service dog trainer with epilepsy and a single dad whose daughter also had epilepsy. As a disabled woman with her own service dog (you can see her paw in this photo - the world’s most perfect model), I needed this book in my life!⁣

I was a little worried about the disability representation as the author is able-bodied and does not have a service dog. However, from my limited perspective (I don’t have epilepsy), it seemed respectful and fairly well done. I think the author really captured the magic of service dogs and the indescribable bond between a service dog and their human. (I cried. Twice.) ⁣

If anything, I did notice a lack of depth regarding the realities of life with a service dog that I believe a disabled author would’ve been able to portray more accurately. For example, one plot involves Evie purposefully not bringing a bag to an event. In reality, that would never happen because she would’ve had to have somewhere to store a water bowl, dog treats, and poop bags for her pup. 🤷‍♀️⁣ [shrug emoji]

This kind of sloppiness aside, I did get plenty of warm fuzzies from this story. It makes my heart grow three sizes to see a disabled woman loved, cherished, and respected by the man of her dreams. I loved the little family that Evie and Jake created. However, there were some elements of gender stereotypes, bad jokes, and try-hard moments that kept me from loving it 100%. ⁣

I think I can compare it to someone else’s signature ice cream sundae. Yes, it’s sweet and tasty but it’s not MY recipe. If I was the one in charge, I’d drop a few ingredients. I enjoyed it a lot but if you happen to know of an own voices service dog romance please let me know! Maybe that would be closer to my perfect sundae…

Do you know of any OwnVoice novels with service dogs? Let me know in the comments!


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