Book Review: One For All by Lillie Lainoff

A book with a woman in pink holding a sword on the cover.

[ID: A book with a brown haired white woman sword-fighting on the cover surrounded by swords and pink flowers.]

We’re Musketeers. We are sisters in arms. We don’t let each other fall, and we never will.
— Lillie Lainoff, One for All

Let me introduce you to my most anticipated release of 2021 and one of my favorite reads of all time: ONE FOR ALL by Lillie Lainoff. I have been screaming about this book since I first knew of its existence and I almost died of excitement when I was approved for an ARC. Than you so much to NetGalley and the publishers for making my year with this review copy!⁣

ONE FOR ALL is the book I’ve been wishing for: a gender bent classic retelling with a chronically ill heroine! Let me say it again: AN OWNVOICES CLASSIC RETELLING ABOUT CHRONIC ILLNESS! Not only that, but it contains even more of my favorite things:⁣

- Swordfighting!!!⁣
- Found family⁣
- Powerful female relationships⁣
- Epic fight scenes⁣
- Wonderfully detailed historical setting⁣
- Did I mention the heroine is chronically ill? And never gets magically cured?⁣

I was terrified that this book wouldn’t live up to my expectations but I’m happy to say that it is just as wonderful and heartfelt as I could’ve wished! The portrayal of chronic illness was simply amazing. I found it deeply relatable, the kind of representation I’ve been longing for all my life.

I admit, I was a little disappointed with how the mystery played out, but it did end with one of the best fight scenes I’ve ever read.⁣ The romantic elements were also not completely satisfying to me. However, I absolutely loved the writing and the characters. ONE FOR ALL is a standalone read, but I’m ready for six sequels and a movie!

Long story short: this book is amazing and it deserves all the sword bouquets in the world. I need you all to add it to your TBR lists immediately! Watch out, in March of 2022 this book is going to rock your world!!!⁣

Releases March 8th, 2022!


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