April Discussion Post for The Labyrinth’s Archvist

A book with an image of a WOC’s face with dark eye makeup and black lipstick. A map is superimposed on her face with cosmological symbols. The book itself sits on a bed of green plants with small purple flowers.

[ID: A book with an image of a WOC’s face with dark eye makeup and black lipstick. A map is superimposed on her face with cosmological symbols. The book itself sits on a bed of green plants with small purple flowers.]

It’s time to discuss the #ChronicallyIconicBookClub’s April read, THE LABYRINTH’S ARCHIVIST by Day Al-Mohamed.

Our discussion via Instagram group chat will take place starting Saturday May 6th around 1 or 2pm EST and continue through the weekend at our members’ leisure.

Let me know in the comments or message me on Instagram if you’d like to join!

(Please note the discussion group and the comments may contain spoilers.)

My thoughts: This was my second read of THE LABYRINTH’S ARCHIVIST and new things stood out to me this time around that I’m interested to discuss. As a novella, it’s a very quick read but I was left wanting more this time around!

Discussion Questions:

  1. What did you think of this book? (How many stars did you rate it?)

  2. What was your favorite part of the book?

  3. What was your least favorite part?

  4. Did you guess the murderer?

  5. What did you think of disability representation?

  6. What did you think of the romance?

  7. Besides the mystery and fantasy elements, what do you think the overall message of the novella was? Did it work for you?

  8. Is there anything you would change about the book?

Bonus question: If there was a sequel, what would you like to see happen?

Upcoming Reading Schedule:

A gray graphic that lists the reading schedule for 2023

Just a reminder, we’ve selected the books for our next two months of reading and they are as follows:

May: BEING HEUMANN by Judy Heumann and Kristen Joiner (a memoir following a disability activist with polio)

June: FINDING GENE KELLY by Torie Jean (a romance featuring a main character with endometriosis)

If you’d like join our group for these books please comment below or contact me on Instagram!

Additionally, if you’d like to suggest a book for a future month or have any theme suggestions please let me know! It’s been helpful to plan things in advance so I’d like to start brainstorming July’s read…


Book Review: The Secret Summer Promise by Keah Brown


Book Club Schedule (April, May, June, & July 2023) + Giveaway