Discussion Post for Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert

[ID: a light blue book with a cartoon illustration of a Black plus sized woman being kissed on the cheek by a red-haired white man with a brown cat at their feet. The book sits on a white shelf in front of a red leather embossed book with scattered book pages. A black type-writer sits to the left and a silver lantern with a candle inside sits to the right. Scrabble tiles spelling out “book club” sit in front of the book next to a blue butterfly sticker. Fake blue flowers twine around the top of the image.]

Hello, bookish friends! It’s time to discuss the #ChronicallyIconicBookClub’s November read, GET A LIFE, CHLOE BROWN by Talia Hibbert.

Our discussion via Instagram group chat will take place starting tomorrow December 9th at around 1pm EST through the 11th. Let me know in the comments or on Instagram if you’d like to join! I will also post 10 official discussion questions that you can answer in the comments at your leisure if you’d prefer.

Discussion Questions

  1. What did you think of this book? How many stars did you rate it?

  2. What did you think of the portrayal of Chloe’s disability?

  3. Could you relate to Chloe’s experience and/or did you learn something new about fibromyalgia?

  4. What was your favorite part of the book?

  5. What was your least favorite part?

  6. What did you think about Chloe and her development throughout the book?

  7. What did you think about Red and his development throughout the book?

  8. Was there anything you wish was different/anything about the book you would like to change?

  9. What did you think of the 3rd act conflict?

  10. Did you have any fave quotes from the book?

After this discussion we’ll be taking the rest of the month off but I’m already planning January’s read! Please let me know if you have any suggestions of books or themes for 2024!


Book Club Schedule (February & March 2024)


Book Review: Every Time You Go Away by Abigail Johnson