A monthly book club dedicated to chronic illness & disability representation.

Follow our journey on Instagram & join in with the hashtag: #chronicallyiconicbookclub.

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"Disability justice means we are not left behind; we are beloved, kindred, needed."

- Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, Care Work

We use affiliate links to assist with hosting costs. Our reviews are not sponsored.


Our mission is to create a community for our fellow bookish friends that highlights and centers disabled voices. Every month, we read a book with disability representation & discuss our thoughts at the end of the month via a group chat.

Although we hope to find fellow spoonies & disabled book lovers, this club is open to everyone seeking to diversify their shelves!

Contact @libraryofdreaming on Instagram for more info!

September’s Read: Conditions of a Heart by Bethany Mangle (POTS and EDS rep)

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Welcome to the Chronically Iconic Bookclub! Please excuse the mess while we update our website!

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Have a suggestion for a future read? Are you an author, creator, or artist? Want your book or product to be featured on our site? Please drop us a line. We’d love to hear from you.

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